Backup Testing Process
Conduct regular tests of the backup process to make sure it is working.
Usually data and information which a company has stored, both on site on a server or off site in the cloud, is information that is crucial for the company to operate. Because of this that data is constantly being backed up to alternate locations in case of a disaster or loss of data. Continuous testing to ensure the systems in charge of data backup is crucial to avoid any information from being lost. Central aids in keeping a close control of the routine and results in the testing of theses processes.- CAST creates a case for testing on a continuous basis and assigns to appropriate person
- Assigned tester receives case to test the backup process and report results
- Instructions for the teting process are provided in Standards
- Tester will use a Quest form as an inspection checklist in order to ensure every aspect of the process is working properly
- If anything is not working properly, Quest will automatically create and assign case for the issue to be resolved
- The status of each testing case and the results of each inspection can be monitored and analyzed using FACTS
- Any additional follow up cases are created and assigned accordingly