Hotel Inspection
Inspection of guestroom condition and reset after guest departure.
Hotel rooms are constantly being cleaned and prepared for the next guest. Ensuring that everything that needs to be completed before the next guest arrives is critical for the operations of a hotel. Central manages this inspection process and assigns cases where action may be needed in order to ensure a comfortable stay for all incoming guests.- Guest checks out
- Front desk creates a case for room make ready and inspection adn assigns to housekeeping
- Housekeeping employees consult instruction on proper make ready procedure and how to complete room inspection
- Housekeeping employees clean and make room ready while performing room inspection using Quest form as checklist
- If any items were taken by guest and replaced by housekeeping, Quest form creates a case for front desk to charge guest
- If any repairs is needed in the room, Quest form will create case to resolve for maintenance
- Room is ready for next guest, front desk adds to available room inventory
- Periodically, CAST creates case for supervisor to complete more detailed inspection of rooms
- Supervisor consults instructions on how to perform Supervisor Housekeeping Inspection
- Quest form is used to conduct Supervisor inspection
- Quest results are reported for supervisor to review employee performance
- If anything does not meet Company Standards, cases are created in order to do so